E-Bills keep going to the wrong email address

1 Reply 8619 Views

Over the past 8 months I have tried numerous times to update our e-billing email address. Have used My Account, the AGL online chat and also the AGL phone number. Each time the system and the agents have said that the record is updated, and in My Account it shows the correct email address. BUT,  bills are still going to our old email address after all these attempts. I am paying $50 per month to keep an old email account open because I just know that AGL will try to charge me late fees if I don't pay on time, even though they are using the incorrect email address. I have been with AGL a very long time, but I think the only option left for me now is to cancel and move to another supplier. $50 per month for an email account is money I never get back.

None of the AGL customer service reps have solved this - any other ideas before I move suppliers?

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 8607 Views

Hi @kandpm . That sounds like an odd issue. Hopefully we can get it resolved. Do you have access to the old email address your bills are being sent to?

1 Reply 8604 Views

Hi David

The old email address at which we are still receiving accounts is [removed]

Apart from the frustration of having to keep this old account open, it is that the AGL agents both on phone and on chat insist that the problem has been solved. Our most recent accounts this week still went to this old address.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 8573 Views

Hi @kandpm . Apologies for the delayed response; I've been on leave for the holidays.


When you visit https://myaccount.agl.com.au/ and go to the Manage Account tab and then Contact Details (Not Login Details) does it show the new or old address?



1 Reply 8520 Views

Hi David - we also have been on holidays. The new email address is showing in both Contact details and Login details. Any clues?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 8515 Views

Hi kandpm,


Thank you for getting back to us.


If you can send me a quick private message (you'll need to click on my username - jaydeny) with your AGL account number and current email address, I'll be happy to take a closer look at your account for you.



