AGL app is not capturing solar credit - sold to Grid

1 Reply 3604 Views

AGL app is not capturing solar credit - sold to Grid, and looks like AGL team will repeat and say we have contact Activestream and they confirmed that a Nil sold to Grid. Just wondering if someone faced the same issue? Thks

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 3587 Views

Hi Deepjadav, thanks for being part of the Neighbourhood.


If the Actual data is showing no solar being exported to the grid, I would recommend checking your inverter and the isolation switch. You can also contact your installer directly or a solar electrician. If you need further assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us directly here.






1 Reply 3575 Views

Thanks Jenna.


Unfortunately, nothing has progressed.


Let me take a step back and put on the table background info for better understanding. 


  1. On AGL app, I usually track the “Usage” and “Sold to Grid” data on an ad-hoc basis.


However, as a standard practice on receipt of the AGL monthly Invoice, I make a comparative analysis for a Standard Feed-in-Tariff credit per AGL Invoice and the Solar.web app such that I get a comfort that AGL monthly Invoice reflects the a correct Feed-in-Tariff credit.


For completeness, AGL invoices have always reflected the correct Feed-in-Tariff credit for more than 3 years.

As I was close to April 2022 billing cycle, I noted that AGL app has captured the data for part of the month, that is AGL app has not considered any credit for Sold to Grid for more than 14 days (that is 8 Apr 2022 to 21 Apr 2022). 


On my quick call, AGL team confirmed that the system is capturing the Solar data and advised that the billing is being put on “Hold”.


On chasing AGL billing team, I was advised that they are in contact with ACTIVESTREAM to get the Feed-in-Tariff credit data for the billing month April 2022.


I though it will be corrected in due course but I got a surprise and have received AGL Invoice and noted that the credit has not been considered for only 14 days (that is the credit was not considered for the period 8 April to 21 April 2022).

I have also contacted Keen2bGreen who have installed the Solar panels and they confirmed that the data reflected on Solar.web app is correct. 

On follow-up call with AGL team, I have been advised that the billing for April 2022 has considered the credit that was advised by ACTIVESTREAM.


I reiterated my comments that the confirmation sounds illogical looking at the data per Solar.web app and that in the past billings for more than 3 years were in line with the data per Solar.web app.


  1. The current status is (my call on 20 May 2022) –

 (a) AGL billing team has again put an in-house request to get a confirmation for the solar credit from 7 April 2022 to to-date such that:

(i)               the Invoice for the month April 2022 can be corrected; and

(ii)             the Invoice for the month May 2022 will capture the correct Standard Feed-in-Tariff credit.


(b) AGL team has also advised that looking at the system, it looks like AGL system is not capturing at all the Sold to Grid data.  AGL team further stated that the technical team will visit and make sure that the meter is not defective.


I am waiting the response. Hopefully, it gets resolved soon.


I hope this background information will assists to take my request further. Should you require any further information or screen shot of data captured by Solar.web app, please do let me know.   Thanks much in advance

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 3552 Views

Hi @Deepjadav

Thank you for that detailed explanation! It does sound like you've already gotten in touch and we're already having this checked for you. 


Kind regards, 



1 Reply 3512 Views


Yesterday, i had a followup call with AGL and i was advised that they received reply from Energex but it says Zero credit for over 2 months so AGL team has put request again to reconfirm.
As an alternative, i have called Energex directly and it was confirmed that the meter is working well and that Energex system has captured solar credit. It has also quantify the total excess credit received for the months Mar and April 2022.
So, i have called AGL team again and reiterated the conversation that i had with Energex. AGL team says they are awaiting response for Energex and I need to wait. 
I was wondering what should be next steps to get this resolved. May i have an option to escalate it to a  managerial level. Would appreciate your thoughts.


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 3487 Views

Hi @Deepjadav!


This sounds very account specific so we'll need to check this with you, I'll send you a PM so we can investigate further. 



1 Reply 1054 Views

Hi, Did you get this resolved?  I have similar where AGL saying no status for my solar.

0 Replies 1044 Views
Well, my experience was aligned to yours. Unless they get confirmation from their in-house team, they wont action. Every time we call them they will raise a new request and it turns previous request redundant. My case took over two months but the good news was they reissue the invoices and credits were pretty much align to what i was expecting.  Thx

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