AGL Peak Energy Rewards

6 Replies 9585 Views

I received a number of Text messages in recent weeks from +61 409 106 791, see following examples:


"Hi Robert ............

AGL Peak Energy Rewards: Event Thursday, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Reply Y by 4:30 PM to take part.

Earn up to $10 in bill credits for hitting one of the following targets:

Standard Target: Earn $5 for exporting 0.19kWh or more to the grid. OR

Challenger Target: Earn $10 for exporting 0.59kWh or more to the grid the grid.

To de-register from the PER program, and all future events:

For help, call AGL on 131 245"


"Hi Robert ...........

AGL Peak Energy Rewards event is over.

Look out for the email summary within the next 7 days.

To de-register from the PER program, and all future events:

For help, call AGL on 131 245"


I am now wondering whether these text messages may be SCAMS??? At each event our home has been operating on batteries, no electrical draw from the grid, however we have never received the promised results email and checking my electricity account this morning, there are no credits. 


What is the story, are these text messages SCAMS or genuine messages from AGL? If AGL should credits appear on my account or is this some type of marketing exercise??



Super Nova
1 Reply 1272 Views



I too got the same texts, after I had been invited to join PER. They were on 25, 26,27, and 28 November. Each day the targets and times varied a bit. Each time I was also on Battery, so my draw from the grid was zero. This means that I was completely compliant with the set goals. These goals are calculated on historic consumption, so I guess these goals would have been the lowest. I only would have not been in the set goals if I had used my oven at that time, as it is wired directly to the mains. I did not use it on those days, but tend to use during the day when it uses my excess solar.


The emails from the PER team never arrived and I can not see any record on my account.


Yesterday I contacted customer support and they said that many others have also contacted them with the same situation.


Anyway it is not a SCAM but there seems to be problems with their communication of the results. I too would like confirmation of the offers being successfully completed.

0 Replies 1264 Views

The text messages direct calls to 131 245 which I called yesterday, it goes to a Philippine Call Centre. The girl explained that if I didn't receive an email, I did not qualify. When I pointed out I did not download any electricity from the grid during the nominated period, she admitted she had many other calls about the same thing, she did not know anything more about the Peak Energy Rewards Program and I should email


As I ran on battery during the nominated periods, zero download from the grid, and strangely not even a courtesy email from AGL I am concerned at AGL's veracity, integrity and transparency in this program. I suspect they are trying to mitigate their very high electricity buying prices in peak periods, but they must also be clear and transparent with their client consumers.


I will be taking it up with AGL by email. 

2 Replies 1263 Views

Hi Lester.


What I posted is exactly the text message I received: 


"Earn $10 for exporting 0.59kWh or more to the grid the grid."


It was another factor, along with rather ambiguous English in the other text messages, that led me to the suspect the messages may well be a SCAM. 

Super Nova
0 Replies 1148 Views


My texts were slightly different 

AGL Peak Energy Rewards: Event Monday, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Reply Y by 6:30 PM to take part.
Earn up to $10 in bill credits for hitting one of the following targets:
Standard Target: Earn $5 for importing 2.43kWh or less from the grid. OR
Challenger Target: Earn $10 for importing 2.13kWh or less from the grid the grid.
To de-register from the PER program, and all future events:
For help, call AGL on 131 245

Each event varied slightly in power and times. 
The number I was given to call is;

1300 377 118 Option 3

This apparently is the PER Team. Will call them tomorrow. 

2 Replies 1259 Views

Hi Lester


An example of the rather ambiguous targets in English:


"Hi Robert ........

AGL Peak Energy Rewards: Event Monday, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Reply Y by 5:30 PM to take part.

Earn up to $10 in bill credits for hitting one of the following targets:

Standard Target: Earn $5 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid. OR

Challenger Target: Earn $10 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid the grid.

To de-register from the PER program, and all future events:

For help, call AGL on 131 245"


Again, "..the grid the grid." error is repeated, but are not the "Standard  Target" and the "Challenger Target"  have identical requirements - or am I missing something?


"Standard Target: Earn $5 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid. OR

Challenger Target: Earn $10 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid the grid."


That is, in my case zero import from the grid during the nominated period should have resulted in a credit of either $5 or $10 to my account?



AGL Community Manager
3 Replies 1227 Views

Hey @BobF & @Caban


Sorry to hear you've have a bad experience! We are aware of some technical errors from the last event, so I will send you both a direct message to understand your situation more and then pass it onto our support team. 


Cheers, Basil

Super Nova
1 Reply 1212 Views

Have been trying to reply but keeps saying the highlighted text is illegal HTML, but it's just plain text.

Then I sent one line and it now says I have exceeded my PM Quota

0 Replies 1208 Views

@Caban  AGL Basil's post noted but I have not received a response from AGL, rather odd for a public company with market capitalisation of $7.55 Billion, operating in a very competitive market place. 


I suggest you email your queries and ask they respond to you, as I am doing.



0 Replies 1201 Views

"Standard Target: Earn $5 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid. OR

Challenger Target: Earn $10 for importing 0.01kWh or less from the grid the grid.

Again, "..the grid the grid." error is repeated, but are not the "Standard  Target" and the "Challenger Target"  have identical requirements - or am I missing something?

That is, in my case zero import from the grid during the nominated period should have resulted in a credit of either $5 or $10 to my account?"


Yes, seems odd same targets in that latest offer described, and obviously the system and past use seems to be tailored to your battery use, where you wouldn't normally draw from the grid at all . . . or would you ?

Even with a battery, there is a very minute usage through the meters, over 2 hours could you go over that anyway, even if drawing from the battery ?


The 0.01kwh target seems ridiculously low, given it would make an insignificant difference to AGL power management.

Giving $5 or $10 away for that seems counterproductive to AGL profit, and unless there were millions of same users, not make a difference to high peak power needs from the generator / supplier.

1 Reply 1188 Views

Hi Basil

I’m in the same situation, participated in the event for four days in a row, have only received an email for the first day. Please chase for me
