Generation Website Dashboard

3 Replies 4854 Views

How about AGL dedicating a page on their website (a sort of dashboard ) to highlight the percentages of energy generation currently being obtained from different technologies, similar to that provided by AEMO?

Customers and prospective new investors could see how the new board's plan to eliminate fossil fuels for energy generation is progressing.

AGL Community Manager

Hi @Wadsal  - love the suggestion, thanks for the feedback. I'm moving this over to our Ideas section. Can you give us any more details about what you'd like to see such a dashboard include? 


@David_AGL @Wadsal,


Why not just put a link to 


AEMO gets supplied instantaneous data regarding this, which is why they can supply it, I know that power stations (Coal / Gas etc) can see the demand and their output from the days when I used to support IT at Port Augusta Power Station when it existed.


You may be able to get the data from AEMO, but then you would still have to create Web Pages to show the data.


Very interesting to see that SA is supplying 91% of its power through Wind and Solar.

TAS is supplying 96% via Wind and Hydro.

NSW  is supplying 73% via non renewables

VIC  is 75% via non renewables

Qld are supplying 63% via non renewables

The AEMO is a good model. Would be good if AGL did a duplicate using AGL
specific data, not data from all generators as AEMO does. That would show
investors how AGL's transition is going compared to the AEMO national data.
Thanks David,

I think a AEMO style dashboard could be copied and use AGLs data from their
generation and storage assets. This will aid investors and shareholders to
see AGLs transition progress.

Hope the ideas team agrees.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!