b_2243's latest conversations

b_2243 Conductor

Previous address is still showing up on my profile

Recently moved but my previous address is still in my account. My new address has been connected and activated but my old address is still showing? Any reason why?
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b_2243 Conductor

Gas Connection in progress

I've moved into my property for a while now and my app is still saying my gas connection is in progress. I've messaged multiple times on the app and just keep getting told to wait a few days. I can't submit any meter readings, see my usage nor see a predicted bill. Not very helpful.
2 Replies 0 Likes
b_2243 Conductor

$25 Credit - Value Saver Plan

I'm on the value saver plan and supposed to be getting $25 Credit per quarter. I've been billed for 3 months now (one was 1 month and the second bill i've gotten now is 2 months). I expected to get the credit in this second bill but nothing is showing and i'm still paying the full amount. I've tried talking online but honestly just not getting replies or I would have retell the entire issue to someone and get disconnected again. Honestly frustrating.
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b_2243 Conductor

Re: Gas Connection in Progress but been a long time

Hi, Yeah exactly! Most recently, They told me 13 business days after my connection date and it's already past. And now I don't know what's happening. So frustrating. Have no idea what they're going to bill or what my usage is etc.
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