I just read today that the Goverment still offers a rebate for feed in tariffs from solar panels. How do we apply for this so it can be added on top off our megre amount agl gives us? With future ris...
Hi There, I've been monitoring my 5kw Fronius inverter and the kwh produced each day. July 26th was an ok day and reading via the Fronius solarweb app was 18.0kwh produced. Yet on the AGL App for the...
Received a 3 monthly power bill this week. The $200 credit is shown on the bill as a balance brought forward. We have solar, and bills are always in credit, and money is now paid automatically i...
Updated to 31 March 2020 I am a retired electrical engineer and have compiled a spreadsheet based on 6.36 years of solar power generation in the Adelaide area. We have 5.2 kW of p...
...Is there a publication out there that talks me through, step by step, on the correct way to use in order to save said $$ or is it that while saving up for said system i missed the opportunity to e...