What's New for the AGL App - November 2019

AGL Community Manager
2 Replies 8858 Views

Enhanced usage experience for basic meter customers 

If you’ve got a basic meter – you’re going to love this update. We’ve built a better basic meter experience to help you more easily visualise your usage and stay in control of your projected bills. 


With basic meters until this point, you’ve had to wait until your bill is generated to get usage details, which can take up to 3 months. 


Today, we announce our enhanced basic meter experience that enables you to stay in control of your usage and change your habits or patterns as you go. When you complete a self-service meter read, you’re now able to get your usage cost-to-date and have your bill projection adjusted immediately. 



Screenshot_20191104-105841_AGL Energy.jpg                                             Screenshot_20191104-105848_AGL Energy.jpg                                                 

We’ve also enhanced the experience of completing a self-service meter read. Improvements include:

  • App displays start of the meter number to make it easier to find the right meter. 
  • Meter read pre-loads your last read to make your life easier. 
  • A summary of your cost to date and bill projection is generated upon completing a meter read. 
  • If you’re having trouble submitting your meter read, our agents will now be able to assist through in-app messaging when you provide them a photo of your meter.                   

We’re always looking out for more feedback. If you’ve got a suggestion for how we can improve, please reply to this post. 

0 Replies 8704 Views

I now have to go into billing to enter a meter read. I used to be able to do it via a button on the main(gas) screen.

1 Reply 8576 Views

Next update please allow us to set up a reminder notification about checking our usage so we can manually type it in every time 

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 8520 Views

Thanks for the feedback, @Taerasafar . Don't forget you can always suggest ideas over on the Ideas section, so that other community users can vote for them!