Net Meter upgrade issue

6 Replies 57725 Views

Hello everyone


After being advised that AGL would be upgrading our meter from Gross to Net meter back mid 2016, we hadn't heard anything from AGL until we followed up with them in late March 2017. We were advised that AGL would come around and perform the upgrade in Apr 2017.


Fast forward to May 2017 and as we haven't seen anyone come around to do the upgrade, we recieved a letter to say that there are some required additional work at our place and AGL was unable to tell us what are those additional works.


We have been in touch with AGL call centre 3 times and each time we've been advised that they have send emails asking for clarification from the Deployment team. And each time we were told that there are no update from the Deployment team.


Has anyone experienced the same issue?


We're looking to put in a formal complaint and would take it to the Ombudman if needed.



1 Reply 17896 Views

I am in the same situation. I have had solar panels installed in January 2017 and immediately called AGL to request a new metre. They informed me that I was on the “list” and should receive a new metre by April 2017. 


Fast forward a few months, I call and they inform me a technician/electrician or someone came by my house in March (with zero notice beforehand) and the gate to my back yard was locked. Of course it is!! I was supposed to receive a letter before that person came, which I never did, telling me that someone would be coming over and another letter afterwards informing me that they could not access the old metre. Nothing has been received. Ever!


I called again in August to find out the above information and requesting an update. Had to go through 3 different departments to get someone who could help me with this matter and all she could say was that it was out of AGL’s hands as they use a contractor to perform the work and they don’t even know the next time the contractor will be in my area. I cannot state how frustrating this is. She informs me that i will receive yet another letter from AGL - which I haven’t yet - telling me the newest eta. 


I think I may have to switch energy providers or take this to the ombudsman. 


It has been 9 months of waiting and I have yet to receive any communication back from AGL. 


Can I book in a separate provider of the new metre and have AGL pay for it?? I would like to have this installed before summer. 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 17892 Views

Hey Mookie1085,


Thanks for reaching out!


We're sorry to hear that this incident has been such a pain point for you, as this is not the intention of our service.


In response to your enquiry, you do have the option of engaging an 'Accredited Service Provider' (ASP) who is in an independent electrician, who can complete this upgrade for you. AGL will provide a smart meter free of charge to this service provider, however, you may incur some charges from the service provider for any costs related to the installation of the meter itself. For information regarding the ASP's available in your area, you can follow this link:


If you have any further enquiries, please don't hesitate to sing out!


Kind regards,



1 Reply 17867 Views

I also rung to have my meter changed to net and was promised August 2017 but still not a word since. Not as bad as others but it seems all AGL wants to to get as much money out of us first as going net will result in them charging us less.


Electricity suppliers are suppose to be loonking after consumers so maybe everyone should not wait that long and just submit a compliant to the ombudsman. The more complaints may get them to do the right thing.


I’ll wait till the new year and will lodge a compliant.




1 Reply 17865 Views

I have contacted 3 of the ASP’s in my local area and only one has provided me with a quote. It is $715! I am not prepared to pay this, especially since I have been waiting so long for AGL to hold to their word about getting one installed for free by April 2017. I would happily arrange an ASP to install the meter if AGL paid for the install!

I don’t think that is too much to ask! 

I really wish that I could speed things along!!

AGL Employee
1 Reply 17861 Views

Hi @Mookie1085


We're sorry about the delay in getting your net meter installed, the team are working as hard as they can to ensure that customers who have yet to have their new meters installed, are not waiting too much longer. I understand that this doesn't make the waiting better, and while I don't have an exact timeframe for you currently, the advice I've received from our new connections team is that they are trying to speed things along for customers currently experiencing delays. 

1 Reply 17845 Views

So pleased I found this Community web site.

Had long discussion with my precious electricity provider who I was using for many many years.

They either wanted a monthly fee for a net meter of asked me to have it installed myself. Gave me a list of authorized electrician and I got 2 quotes well over  $1000 and many didn't answer my requests or just told me they do industrial only.

Out of the blue I received a phone call from a call centre suggesting to change service providers, normally I cut them off but I was interested. AGL offered a good deal and a free Net Meter upgrade. I signed up and contacted them within the cooling off period, when they would install my meter. Answer was, can't be done until the next meter reading which as 2 months away. Offered for me to pay the meter reading / they come out within a week if I would have moved.....but was told: Sorry not possible.

The date of meter reading went sign of follow up from AGL. Wrote a complaint on their website and got the answer: we look into it and come back to you. 2 weeks later I get a phone call: You are on the waiting list. We might install your new meter in 6 months, but no guarantee. Excellent I produce heaps of power over summer with my 5 KW system and AGL pay me peanuts and charge big bucks for energy used. come winter they install my meter, when power production is down. Some one suggested to take AGL to the ombudsman or NSW fair trading for grossly misleading me to get my business. But maybe I get help and justice here. 



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 17843 Views

Hey neversaynever,


Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback!


I'm sorry to hear that we've put you in such a difficult position with your meter upgrade. Please feel free to send me a private message including your account number and email address, and I'll be happy to see what I can do to help!



