Grid draw doesn't make sense

3 Replies 51853 Views

I have a VPP battery installed.

The following is an example of a reasonably regular occurrence:-

Solar power being produced:-  2758 watts

Battery state of charge:-               60%

House use - one TV, one computer, fridge

Power draw from grid:-    740 watts

Is there a reason for this grid draw?

Has anyone else noticed the same thing?

I wasn't going to report on this until the 11.6 (larger) battery is installed, but it is happening more & I am interested as to why. Maybe a software logarithim needs changing.



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 30589 Views

Hey @Dave


If you could send a private message with some account details, we'll arrange for someone from the solar team to have a look at it for you. Thanks!

1 Reply 30572 Views

I also notice grid draw at times when there is no need fo rit because battery has plenty of charge, I have also noticed a few times the battery seems to be DEAD and doing nothing. It has been a concern of mine but in the morning things were always back to normal. 

However I am going to keep a good eye on usage during night times since the whole purpose of the battery is to not draw from the grid at night

0 Replies 30555 Views

Maybe there will be a difference when the 11.6 battery is installed.


1 Reply 30543 Views

Dave, Have AGL fixed this issue to your satisfaction?  Before I sign up, I would like to know if bugs are being adequately dealt with.


1 Reply 30515 Views

Hi Bud,

AGL have requested the serial number of my battery setup, which I have sent them today. Now that they have this I hope for a positive outcome.

The issue still exists and I noticed it happen again today when the battery was 45% charged and solar in was 2280 watts.

Overnight when the battery has good charge and no solar is being produced, I draw about 400 watts from the Grid. This is much better than it used to be and I was made aware that Sunverge was making changes at the time.

Overall I consider these as minor low cost issues as overall I am happy with my VPP. The 7.7 kWhr battery isn't big enough even for our small power use, so I am looking forward to the bigger battery being installed, although I don't know when this will happen yet. I was advised on 28th June that I would receive advices about this "very shortly", but I have yet to hear anything.

When my overnight grid draw was higher than now, I was promised recompence for the power cost I was incurring. When I asked for this to be done, I was refused any recompence. I still have the emails where I was advised this.


1 Reply 30508 Views

Hi Dave

Like yourself I have been concerned about amounts being drawn from the grid when I hadn't thought it necessary. I have been taking daily (initially hourly, when I was able to download these figures from the AGL web site) readings and have never been able to totally reconcile my usage and import figures. Unfortunately I have a rather high overnight draw due to an aquarium and other things and so the difference is not so great as to make a song and dance about it (although potentially could make a couple of extra years pay-back).

I do note however, that after your first complaint a while ago my battery began charging to (a little) greater than 90% and discharging to lower than the 22% it had been operating at.

I too am hoping the the larger battery will make a bit of a difference.

Keep up the good work.


2 Replies 30501 Views

Thanks Bryce,

This is what I use to monitor my grid monitor:-

How do you monitor yours?

Re Battery charging - mine now charges to 94% approx & discharges to 18%



1 Reply 30478 Views

Hi Dave

Clever piece of kit.

I've just been downloading the data from the Solar Command web site, converting that into hourly usage and comparing that to the hourly draw figures available on the AGL app. More detailed data had been available on the My AGL IQ site but disappeared when they changed to a new format (they are currntly in the process of setting up another new website so fingers crossed the data becomes available again).

It doesn't provide me with real time data but does enable a pretty detailed comparison between usage/production and draw from grid.


1 Reply 30475 Views

Thanks Bryce,

With the measuring monitors I have, I don't think I need to pay for solar command. The only reading I have that can be about half an hour behind is the battery state of charge.

Interesting readings 11am approx today:-

Battery charge 62%

Solar being produced 2498 watts

Grid draw  110 watts.

No household appliances on at all including fridge not cycling.

I haven't heard anything from AGL yet.

