Modem admin login

1 Reply 11783 Views

I have a Southern Phone DS244WTV modem.

I can connect to the management console, but I do not have the admin username and password. 

I tried admin and support180, but it didn't work.

Any suggestions?


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 11774 Views

Hi Rockman,


Thank you for reaching out!


Before your modem first connects to our server, the username and password will be as below.
Username: admin

Password: password


Once you successfully connect and commence a browsing session, this will then synchronize your modem to our server and will change the credentials to those of which you have previously been trying above.


Have a lovely day!

1 Reply 11675 Views

I have the same modem but admin/password didn't work for me either, that was obviously the first thing I tried before having to look up that ridiculous support180 password. I don't know what else to try. When you say the modem has to connect to your server, that's the first time I've heard of a modem having to even be online to be able to set it up. I've tried every default password that I know.

0 Replies 11665 Views


I have my system working properly now.

When the modem first connects to the AGL network, it gets configured for use. So you can reset it to defaults and login.

I did call the support line, and there was no wait, and the guy was very knowledgeable and solved my issues. 

The other problem I had was interference on the 2.4Ghz network. Since switching to 5Ghz, we have not had an issue (CAT5 cable is even better).


Good Luck