Bring your own modem?

1 Reply 1271 Views

archer VR1600v ver2.0


Hi i have above modem with TPG on 50/20 plan. is this easy to configured for same plan 50/20 with ALG, the modern i am told is unlooked.

How easy is it to do? . Any tricks? . i am not a IT expert, know how to access the settings in the modem.

Working step would be great thanks,

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1269 Views

Hi @chrisgmale 


It should switch over automatically when you switch to AGL, it may need to be configured, however, the settings depend on your connection type and other circumstances, once you've switched over to AGL, and if you are needing help with configuring you can call us on 13 12 45 or chat to us via our website or app for the configuration guides. 

Kind Regards, Hannah!