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chrisgmale Switched-on

Bring your own modem?

archer VR1600v ver2.0 Hi i have above modem with TPG on 50/20 plan. is this easy to configured for same plan 50/20 with ALG, the modern i am told is unlooked.How easy is it to do? . Any tricks? . i am not a IT expert, know how to access the settings in the modem.Working step would be great thanks,
1 Reply 0 Likes
chrisgmale Switched-on

Re: BYO modems - Which model do you connect with?

archer VR1600v ver2.0 Hi i have above modem with TPG on 50/20 plan. is this easy to configured for same plan 50/20 with ALG, the modern i am told is unlooked.How easy is it to do? . Any tricks? . i am not a IT expert, know how to access the settings in the modem.Working step would be great thanks,
8 Replies 0 Likes