Text message

2 Replies 432 Views


 I received a text message from AGL but I’m not sure if it’s legit? Those are not my bank account details…

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Yes, good idea to check as scammers are getting very savvy.

Not sure how this might be such, as there are no links etc to click on . . . I know messages from AGL to my phone do come from 'AGL Energy', but as said, scammers are getting smarter and more unscrupulous.


Those numbers ending 5408 are not your bank account (the rebates are only applied to an account, not refunded as such when applied), but your supposed power bill, so you can check if those are your account last 4 numbers, and if so it is probably legit.


You could also go onto your AGL online account (or app) and on billing click the Transactions button, this will list bills issued, amounts paid, any credits to your account.

You will see the rebate on there if it's been applied as stated.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 418 Views

Morning @Andrew009 

Regarding your comment, I can see the message shows there was a refund coming to you, this won't be a scam if you have overpaid your energy account.

Kind regards Sheena,