Mobile bill

2 Replies 819 Views

been trying to pay this bill from October but still can't, now overdue charg also added. Um really disapointed. I complained about this issue several times to AGL support team. Still no solution

Once I tried to pay this mobile bill through the phone. at the end it said payment was succesful. But no update. you can check my previous chat on this flow. What should I do now?



0 Replies 815 Views

You should remove your screenshot, the account number etc is probably best kept private.


I just wanted to add, a $21.47 original bill, with $31.68 late fees seems a bit of an excessive penalty.

But you should be able to get it sorted, when the very rare hiccup happens with AGL, they are usually very good at issuing a goodwill adjustment.



AGL Moderator
1 Reply 801 Views

Hi @Upeksha 
I can't imagine how frustrating this would have been for you when trying to make the payments.
We do have alternative payment methods if the payment on the website/app isn't working for the payment.
I would suggest you try to make the payment via Bpay, or over the phone.
In regard to the Late Payment fee's you would be charged $10 if the payment is late, or wasn't able to be made, however, if you call us on 131245 we will be able to look into this further for you and see what we can do about the late fee's given that the website/app didn't process the payment.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

1 Reply 801 Views
I was disappointed on this case. I tried more than 10 times to solve this
issue even trying through phone payment method. Several team members
contacted and they all tried. But finally Sheena from AGL gave me the best
support to solve the problem. I really appreciate her patience and friendly
cooperation. Please give my big Thank her respectfully. 😊♥️
AGL Moderator
0 Replies 640 Views

Hi @Upeksha 
I really appreciate this feedback so much, I am glad I was able to help.
Hopefully we were able to get your payment working again.
Warm regards, Sheena