Wrong address connection

1 Reply 3648 Views

We changed providers for our business.  AGL have managed to disconnect the correct business address but connected our supply at a different address in a completely different suburb.  As our business is closed due to Coronavirus the power has been cut for  at least 10 days and we have only just realised no power. We have subsequently lost at least $10k in stock from our power being cut to fridges & freezers.  Phoned AGL and was told they will contact in up to 3 days.  This to me is appalling.  I am now left with a huge replacement bill for the stock as well as having to deal with the clean up of all the spoiled food and treat the mould.  Totally devastate AGL as if it wasn’t enough with loss of income from Coronavirus now this.  How do we get answers ASAP? 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3632 Views

Hi Pdparker! 

Welcome to AGL Community! 


We're sorry to hear that's happened, there will be a few things that we'll need to get you to check for us. You'll need to firstly confirm the meter numbers on your electricity meter when you can so we can check this on the national database for you. 


If we've connected you to the incorrect meter, we'll need to send you out a compensation pack. 


Kind regards, 

