2 Replies 8302 Views



I am new to AGL, and connected on February 14, 2019. This is a new house I built and got the Electricity and Gas connection done and activated from 14th February 2019.


Unfortunately, on my gas connection, the supply address is wrong and it shows being billed based on the location in Epsom Road in Melbourne. My address is in Tarneit.


Secondly, my electricity meter, the bill it shows from July 2018, yet to be paid, and I was never the customer if AGL during that period.


They had meter numbers wrong initially, which 'they say over the helpline been resolved', which I doubt very much as still on online account it shows the Epsom address as supply address and my electricity bill outstanding since July 2018.


Have been calling almost every week since start of March to resolve this and it has not been done.


I would prefer to move out from AGL now, and go to new supplier, and the issue is how do I do that, as the phone helpline does not help in any way. And I do not think they are or will be able to resolve the wrong address as well as wrong date issue with my account.


Any help, where to approach right channel and get out of this stress sooner the possible will be appreciated.





AGL Moderator
1 Reply 8299 Views

Hi Rehan,


Welcome to the AGL Community!


This sounds like a frustrating situation that you've found yourself in. If you can send me a quick private message (by clicking on my username "jaydeny") with all of the account numbers listed on these bills, I'll help make sense of things.


Kind regards, 



0 Replies 6983 Views

Gday Same prob ..meter at my address though list at different address..even origin cant help

0 Replies 6189 Views

Lol same problem was getting overbilled for 2 years and another 3 years trying to fix it