Smart meter keep missing data

1 Reply 1137 Views

I previously have no issue with Nectr, meter is always synced and I can see my usage from the app.


Since I moved to AGL couple months ago, meter sync is a bit temperamental. It sync for half month, then losing sync for the rest of the month. On billing day, somehow meter got synced up and I can see actual usage on the app and the bill.

But after few days, it lost sync again and now all usages are estimated.


Meter model is EDMI Atlas Mk7C, and it has the "Connection State" light on solid red. But I can't figure out how to force sync this **bleep** thing. There's a connect button that doesn't seem to do anything.


Is there a way to force sync, either by AGL or from my meter?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 1097 Views

Hi ozbestdeal, Unfortunately, AGL is unable to sync the Nectr as it is outside our scope. I would recommend perhaps reaching out to Nectr support for assistance. Cheers, Deepesh

1 Reply 1095 Views

Hi Deepesh, what I was saying is my meter don't have any issue while I was with Nectr previously. However since I moved to AGL the meter stop uploading data intermittently.

Is this something that AGL can fix?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1093 Views

Hi ozbestdeal, Apologies, I thought you meant Nectr energy monitoring device that can be connected to energy meters separately to monitor usage.

Smart meter usage details get updated every 48 hours on the AGL app and this should be a consistent experience. We can certainly look further into this to understand if the issue is due to data not reflecting on the APP or issue with the actual meter relay. I will send you a private message shortly to discuss further.  Cheers, Deepesh