Reading E355 meter

3 Replies 42776 Views

Just over a week ago a Landis & Gyr E355 smart meter was installed. I asked the installer for a manual for it, he didn't have one and said to contact my supplier. I asked him how to read it, he didn't know and said to contact my supplier! I asked him how the boost worked, he didn't know and said to contact my supplier!! I came to this site looking for a contact email address but there isn't one. So, I lodged a complaint with the complaint function on this site, I complained about the lack of an email address and asked for the manual for the meter. I have heard nothing since.

The reason I want an email address, and didn't phone, is because I want a paper trail for the inevitable problems, something consumer bodies advise doing. I guess my next step is to lodge a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman.


Poor service? I guess you could say that.

1 Reply 5284 Views



This post is not useless.


I have explained many times in the post how to work out what is what.


It took me about three hours to work out both the main readings and hour to use the hidden menus.


Not doing it again.


By the way read the one where I tell about the fact that my meter has been reset many times.


Why don't you just read the file supplied from AGL its very accurate except for the fact it misses DST changes.


Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 5278 Views

Totally agree your post is not useless.  (By the way its Allan not Helen).  Unfortunately is relevant to SA. not Qld. Currently do not have access to AGL data as is new installation and AGL have not updated. 

Had a mind to monitor registers because previous basic meter had been incorrectly setup on installation and lost 6 weeks of export energy value. (billing period  plus corrective action 8 yrs ago).

AGl chat responses were initially ill informed eg describing the green button as a supply availability indicator until it was explained that it was a plastic input device as opposed to ag green LED, then described as a reset button.  (still don't know) but thinking probably a register select/scroll function.  My direct question apart from button function was 

1= Time

2 = Date

3= ?

4 = ?

15 = ?

16 = ?

21 = T33 ( Controlled tariff register Pretty sure)

22 = Isn't being used maybe

Tariff registers not yet ascertained are general usage and feed-in  Cloudy day and no established trend complicating it.

AGLs digital meters page provides no info on the E355.  A description similar to the Mk7A2  (Similar functionality) would have solved issue. eg

  • LCD 01* – Standard current date and time
  • LCD03* – Energy you’ve used
  • LCD07* – Energy used by hot water
  • LCD 13* – Energy you’ve sent to the grid
  • LCD 43 – This register should record zero (Not applicable in South Australia)
  • LCD 53 – Total energy you’ve used (not applicable in South Australia)
  • LCD 63 – Total energy you’ve sent to the grid (not applicable in South Australia)

Sorry if my response caused you offence




1 Reply 4934 Views

I too am looking for a manual for this meter. Five pages of responses but no link to the manual. I was looking for an Origin customer. Origin told the same lie that AGL have told, that is that SA Power Networks are responsible for the meter. It took 50 minutes to get that incorrect response. The line was put to me by both the service officer and her supervisor.

can someone put an end to this post by pointing to a link for the E355 meter please, as someone else has already said, it is not a case of national security.

0 Replies 4931 Views



You cannot get a manual.


Read through all this post and you will find all the info you want.


Reading your meter is useless as the meter can be reset at any time. You need to learn how to download the data and convert it into a usable format.


AGL (and others) are now getting 5 min data rather than 30 min data, which will explain why you have readings that are identical.


AGL no longer supplies start end meter readings but tells you the consumption for your meter read period.


Go to the manufacturer and they will tell you to go to your retailer.


I will tell you again to read this post and make what you want of it, the manual is available to repairers of the meter, all meters contain confidential information.


I can tell you (right now 20:43, Feb 5 2024) exactly how much I have used since my last billing period finished from my AGL download file, or if you want how much I have consumed in the last two years, or way back to when I first had my smart meter installed.


Read the bits about the sub functions of the meters (they all have them). I can see my exports in amps, kilowatts, frequency, input voltage, output voltage etc etc.


If you have a smart meter, you cannot submit meter reading, your retailer already know it.


Log onto the APP or My Usage page for AGL and you will see your usage with TWO decimal points.


Have not looked at my meter (other than the INSTANTANEOUS figures) for a LONG time now.


Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 4924 Views

Interesting thread to have awakened.


Posted by @RichardP June 2023 . . .


Just a bit off track, but becoming an even more popular thought train at the moment as we head into 2024.


"In a country that has the resources to be self-sufficient and able to provide cheap reliable power we have arguably the most expensive power in the world. The headlong rush (akin to Lemmings) towards "renewable/so-called green energy" has left us in a diabolical mess."


Yeah, I wonder if future generations will look back and say "What the he77 were they thinking ?"

I've only just gone to solar a couple of months ago, and believe we should have residential homes being as self sufficient as possible, running the home during daylight hours, exporting excess power, if you can afford it a battery to be self sufficient after the sun has gone and charge a small suburban EV, again if lucky enough to eventually be able to afford one as they become more available (and yeah, it'll be likely Chinese suppliers 😕 ).

Losing our coal baseload as fast as we are (have !) is not smart for us, nor make a difference vs the countries that still build coal fired power stations, and burn our coal as fast as we can ship it to them (along with Indonesian, Russian, Nth and Sth American coal suppliers).


"And now there is talk of charging people for exporting solar power into the grid!!!!! "


Which, along with avoiding inevitable blackouts / load shedding, is why a home battery is going to be eventually needed.

Use as much of your solar as you can to be self sufficient, and if lucky enough to get a little to the grid to negate supply charge that's great.


Re the Landis & Gyr E355 smart meter.

We had 2 new meters put in 2 months ago by Enerven Energy Infrastructure P/L when we went to solar, and they are both EDMI Atlas models (Mk10D and Mk7A), perhaps the Landis & Gyr is (was?) only installed by Intellihub Metering ?

Not sure if AGL has the ability to request certain meter hardware to be used / installed, or perhaps the Landis & Gyr was installed with another energy supplier at time of fitting.

0 Replies 4918 Views

Currently all I want to know is the ins and outs of using boost. In the future I might need something else. 
I managed to get power to my hot water service during the day but I don’t know if I did it correctly or how long it stays in boost for. This is required information for anyone with an off peak HWS and one of these metres. It should be easy to find and readily available. I don’t need a service manual , just s simple operators manual. I should not have to watch someone who may or may not know what they are doing on Utube. 

0 Replies 4911 Views

The energy retailer, in this case AGL, is responsible for the meter and this has been the case since 2017. Prior to this, the supplier was the responsible party. If AGL try and palm you off to someone else, point this out to them and if they still don’t help, report them.

2 Replies 4805 Views

We just had an Landis and Gyr E355 meter installed by Intellihub on behalf of AGL and I too would like a copy of the manual.


Landis and Gyr don't seem to have the E355 listed on their web site.


Intellihub don't either


I can guess some of the values on the display and have watched a youtube of an electrician guessing but we shouldn't have to guess.

Does the AGL app show how much is being used? I would like to compare this to the Solar Edge Inverter app and not wait until the bill arrives.

Wasn't everything supposed to be so much better with privatisation? Consumers left in the dark with multiple companies not taking responsibility. 

0 Replies 4297 Views

Manual is available. 
manualslib dot com

Covers the range of E350’s. 
Wait till you see P:8, 1.4.

1 Reply 4294 Views

It gets better, just noticed this.


Read the first page carefully.