Power consumption with a smart meter

2 Replies 12472 Views

We had a Efergy power monitor installed so we could monitor the actual energy consumption in our house at any moment of the day. This was connected at the meter box behind the meter directly into the power cables (by an electrician).


AGL recently replaced my old meters with smart meters. I wasn't home when he installation was (my wife was). The technician removed that monitor explaining to my wife that now they have installed smart meters I won't need this anymore.

Now I have no way of monitoring my actual power consumption. Can you please explain why you have don this ?









AGL Moderator
2 Replies 12458 Views

Hi MdM,


As the technician stated, a smart meter will allow you to accurately monitor any power that you import from or export to the grid. You can view this information using our online platforms details in your other thread.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 12455 Views

Hi Jayden,


Thanks for your prompt response.


When I installed the solar system what I really expected was to be able to look at my renewable generation via my Inverter and compare that to my actual power consumption. Ideally being able to monitor/control as much as I could behind the meter.


This way I could look at solar generation and make a call for example on whether to turn on the washing machine whilst the dishwasher is running. This completely ignores your smart meters, which from what I understand only measure every 30 minutes.


So I again ask the question - why did AGL remove my existing power monitor ? It would appear that I now need to get a new monitor (AGL removed the sensors and took them or tossed them in the trash) and pay for an electrician to install them.



1 Reply 12433 Views



I'm still keen for an answer for my question.


Why did AGL remove my existing power monitor?


It is my property - I paid for it. Can I please have a answer.



AGL Moderator
1 Reply 12430 Views

Hi MdM,


Apologies for the delayed reply.


To clarify, have you been unable to access your inverters analytics since this device was removed?


Kind regards,



0 Replies 12426 Views

Hi Jayden,


No I can see from my Fronius Inverter analytics how much solar I am generating however I wanted to also know what my actual power consumption is as well. I didn't think my inverter would tell me this.


For the last couple of years I have used a power monitor that an electrician installed to measure my power consumption. It would simply measure actual consumption at any moment and hence I could see when my power consumption spiked in the evenings etc.


When AGL replaced my existing smart meter with a new smart meter because I have now installed solar the AGL technician removed the sensor from the power monitor saying to my wife that we won't need this anymore.



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 12425 Views

Hi MdM,


Thank you for clarifying this.


Your meter exchange was completed by a third-party and not AGL directly, so we'll need to follow up with them. So that I can do to this, could you please send me a brief private message with your account number and email address? You'll just need to click on my username (jaydeny) to send me a message.





0 Replies 12414 Views

where do i find the "can view this information using our online platforms details in your other thread."