Neighbours Electricity Meter and Switchboard on My Property

3 Replies 1887 Views

I've recently purchased a block of land and discovered that my neighbour's electricity meter and switchboard are in the middle of my block. They have a wide street frontage, so there is no reason for it to have been installed on my property.


Who is responsible for relocating the meter (assuming the subsequent switchboard will also be relocated at the same time)?


Given this meter (and switchboard) was not installed on the side of the neighbours house, I cannot understand why the installer would not have checked boundaries to ensure the meter (and switchboard) being installed were on the neighbours land. 


It all looks a bit dodgey to me, as they are powering their "house" using an extension lead to this switchboard.


Super Nova
0 Replies 1885 Views


You will need to contact the company that manages the electricity supply in your area. AGL is an electricity retailer. They do not manage the distribution at a local level.


I am in North Coast of NSW and here it is Essential Energy that manages my area.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1875 Views

Hi there,


Thank you for reaching out.


This seems like a complex issue and we will need more information to advise you correctly.


We will send you a private message now.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 324 Views

Would like to knowhow this story panned out ... DODGEY it certainly seemed. 

0 Replies 320 Views

I unfortunately had an accident and needed to pause pursuing this one further and focus on my rehabilitation. I’ll start following this one up further in coming months and hopefully have an update.