_Steve's latest conversations

_Steve Conductor
a week ago

Re: Solar Panel Regrets

Wow, lot of relevant points there !Firstly, we are in Mount Gambier, so just down the road 藍I’m still getting my head around it all, but we have two phases, and two metres ( that much I get ! ).We have the whole of house split between the two phases & metres.And now, we have three TOU prices for general use and three for the controlled load ( which for us is only the floor ).So, I don’t know how, but I assume the metre can some how tell when the electricity is going to the floor and when it’s no ...
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_Steve Conductor
a week ago

Re: Solar Panel Regrets

Hi, I appreciate your reply. We have a somewhat odd circumstances , we are on TWO phases, as the house has in slab heating. We were moved ( no say in it ) by AGL to Time of Use rates when THEY decided the metres weren't working. To be frank, the whole 'it's nothing to do with the customer' approach is what I find the most outrageous. Anyway, I must say there have been a number of benefits, one being we have more flexibility with when we can use the in floor heating now ( the obvious caveat being ...
23 Replies 0 Likes
_Steve Conductor
a week ago

Re: Solar Panel Regrets

Our big concern at the moment, as we are considering investing in getting solar panels installed, we are wondering, when you got your solar panels installed did AGL change the plan ( i.e. charge you higher rates ) for the electricity you had to buy ?
23 Replies 0 Likes
_Steve Conductor

Re: Neighbours Electricity Meter and Switchboard on My Property

Would like to knowhow this story panned out ... DODGEY it certainly seemed.
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