Gas Connection in Progress but been a long time

2 Replies 4850 Views

We recently moved and changed over to AGL. Our gas connection still saying progress and its way past the 3 business days. 


We've messaged only and called but always just told it will be fixed. Nothings been done. We get no updates. Messages take forever to be replied to and aren't helpful at all. Everytime it gets connected we need to re-explain and the issue and just back to square one - nothing being done. We've called and its the same thing "it'll be fixed" 


We're told it should be fixed in 20 business days...that's 1/3 of the way through our bill, which isn't acceptable. We don't want to be slammed with a huge bill and there's no way to till what our usage is like.


Honestly just stuck and almost at the point we just want to switch providers. 


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 4834 Views

Hello @b_2243, Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us. 


We apologise the service you received from us has not met your expectations and we thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


I'll send you a private message so I can get some details from you and check the status. 


Kind Regards, 


1 Reply 4815 Views


I am also having the same issue! 
I set up a gas account on the 25th of September, a week later and it still says connection in progress, I have talked to someone online and they said the transfer connection date is the 19th of October! 
I’m wondering why this will take so long? 

0 Replies 4806 Views



Yeah exactly! Most recently, They told me 13 business days after my connection date and it's already past. And now I don't know what's happening. So frustrating. Have no idea what they're going to bill or what my usage is etc. 

0 Replies 4187 Views

Same issue here. It’s been over 1 month since I switched and gas still says ‘connection in progress’.very disappointed