Rebates and usage app

2 Replies 7193 Views

Hi , 

Being in SEQ and on a pension it is my understanding that we will receive a 700 rebate on top of the existing 372 or whatever it is to bring the total rebate for vulnerable households to something like 1072 for the year. Slightly north of 250 per quarterly bill. 

first up I’d like to ask if that’s correct. 

secondly I’d like to ask if those discounts show up on the app we use to track usage ( I have a smart meter) as we go or if it’s calculated at the end of each cycle. 

the reason I ask is that right now it’s projecting an alarming bill in 2 and a half months time. I’m aware of the price hikes but was lead to believe the rebate would balance it out and in some cases it would even wind up being cheaper for a while at least. 
im not yet seeing that in the app. The app is nothing but dread and despair right now. 

any insight would be greatly appreciated. I’m on a fixed income as I can’t walk more than to hobble around the house and in a single parent. Every cent counts. 




1 Reply 7166 Views

G'day Steve.


I think i understand your question as I'm in the same position, I think!

I believe you're talking about the utility grant relief scheme?


If this is what you're referring to you'll have to contact AGL directly to apply for it, I called the customer service line when I applied but I believe you can fill in an application online and send it in too.

Once it's approved the grant will just subtract whatever is owing on your account (more info on how much the grant is and how it works is on the link above), rather than giving you a credit. 


As for the app, if we are talking about the same thing, the grant won't show on the app, at least not as credit. But once your application for the grant is approved your outstanding balance will disappear from the owing section of the app! At least that's what I've experienced with the grant so far.


So I recommend to wait until your projected bill is due then apply for the grant 😁

And whatever you have leftover from the first use of the grant can be used on any following bills you're unable to manage. 


I really hope this helps! 

Good good luck!


1 Reply 7160 Views

Gday Jays, 


Appreciate the response and the effort made to help out. 
Sadly I believe we’re talking about different things. 

What I’m talking about is the cost of living rebate that came in with this years budget. To make things more complicated every state is different. 

it’s also different for different circumstances but everyone gets it. 

We also have a version of what you linked to me and if I’m correct that’s more of an emergency help with paying a ( every day more insane) electricity bill , right? 

I think I’ll have to ring them and find out myself. Unfortunately I’ve never had much luck over the phone but perhaps it’ll be different. 


Again I do appreciate the effort made to help though. 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 7145 Views

Hi @Gid78,


Thank you for reaching out. National Energy Bill Relief Scheme eligibility criteria is different depending on what state you're in. I'll send you a private message to grab your account details from you to check if your Concession card is applied and provide you more information based on your circumstances.




2 Replies 7136 Views

HI Steve

I am also an Age pensioner in Queensland and receiving the Queensland Government electricity Rebate which is quoted on the Government webpages as $372.20 (GST inclusive). The problem at present is that I am not receiving the stated amount but receive approximately $338-00 which is the Government stated amount less GST. I have queried this and have been waiting for three weeks now for an answer from the Queensland Government as to whether the amount I am receiving is correct. If the current method of paying the Rebate is correct then the Queensland Government is not being accurate in quoting the Rebate as $372.20. If the current method of paying the Rebate is not correct then it will be affecting a large number of recipients of the Rebate and refunding the difference should apply. 

I just hope that the $700-00 rebate will be handled in the correct manner and that we receive the full amount of $700-00. 


When??? I get a reply from the Queensland Government I will return here and advise the results. In the meantime any recipients of the Rebate should do some maths and question it if the full amount is not being received. 


Alan N.


1 Reply 7115 Views

Hi Alan, I believe that has something to do with GST. 
seems to be about that amount off the top of my head. 
Also , I’m told we’re looking at closer to 1000 total in rebates as according to the QLD government website the 700 is on top of the existing 

edit- apologies I’ve just now realised you stated it was gst in your post. 

not sure how i

missed it the first time. 

0 Replies 7072 Views

Hi Steve

Still no reply from Queensland Government (why am I not surprised). I have had a conversation with the Australian Tax Office and was advised that as the money is given for electricity which is subject to GST we have to pay GST on the amount of money given. So instead of $372-00 we end up with about $338-00. Better than nothing I suppose but not quite what the Government would like us to believe we are receiving. If the same formula is applied to the $700 we will end up with just a bit over $636. A little bit sneaky in my view but there we are.

Alan N


1 Reply 7051 Views


I’m also chasing answers to the $700 rebate. We are pensioners with solar.

can’t get through to agl.

1 Reply 6990 Views

Do you seriously expect to get an answer from the QLD Government and if you did, would you believe it. I asked AGL when we were going to get the $700 subsidy (of taxpayers money back) and they said watch the website. Origin Energy are goint o pay $175 per qtr. Must be nice to have the money in their a/c instead of ours. Nothing ever changes.

0 Replies 6988 Views

I did get an answer from the office of the Minister for Energy through my local Member for parliament. Basically it was that the Ministers office were wanting to investigate this matter of GST etc but did not have the authority or expertise to go further and that I should refer the matter to the relevant Ombudsman. 'Go further' most likely means continue to do nothing and not be concerned. 

From what I can gather the $372 rebate is subject to GST because it an electricity rebate and because electricity is a service it is subject to GST. The $700 rebate is a Cost of Living rebate and apparently is not subject to GST. I have had the $175 quarterly rebate applied to my last electricity bill and there does not appear to have been any GST deducted. So it appears that we have at least got one rebate where we are going to get what the Government says they are giving us. 

So folks enjoy your rebates, or what there is left of them after GST etc.

