AlanN's latest conversations

AlanN Superconductor

Re: Rebates and usage app

I did get an answer from the office of the Minister for Energy through my local Member for parliament. Basically it was that the Ministers office were wanting to investigate this matter of GST etc but did not have the authority or expertise to go further and that I should refer the matter to the relevant Ombudsman. 'Go further' most likely means continue to do nothing and not be concerned. From what I can gather the $372 rebate is subject to GST because it an electricity rebate and because elect ...
9 Replies 1 Like
AlanN Superconductor

Re: Rebates and usage app

Hi SteveStill no reply from Queensland Government (why am I not surprised). I have had a conversation with the Australian Tax Office and was advised that as the money is given for electricity which is subject to GST we have to pay GST on the amount of money given. So instead of $372-00 we end up with about $338-00. Better than nothing I suppose but not quite what the Government would like us to believe we are receiving. If the same formula is applied to the $700 we will end up with just a bit ov ...
9 Replies 0 Likes
AlanN Superconductor

Re: Rebates and usage app

HI SteveI am also an Age pensioner in Queensland and receiving the Queensland Government electricity Rebate which is quoted on the Government webpages as $372.20 (GST inclusive). The problem at present is that I am not receiving the stated amount but receive approximately $338-00 which is the Government stated amount less GST. I have queried this and have been waiting for three weeks now for an answer from the Queensland Government as to whether the amount I am receiving is correct. If the curre ...
9 Replies 0 Likes
AlanN Superconductor

Re: Queensland Government electricity rebate,

I believe the answer to this question is that the GST component of the rebate cannot be passed on to recipients of the rebate. Alan N
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