Monitoring energy usage live

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We have just installed solar panels and AGL have installed a smart meter. How can I monitor the energy usage live (either on an app or my computer)? I have downloaded the AGL App but it only updates after 48 hours

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AGL simply don't have the live data, they get it from the energy supplier, it seems at around the time we are able to obtain the data end of the following day.

Even then, the last 30 min interval is estimated until next days data is out, and usually there is a minor discrepancy that is by then corrected.


Here in SA we only have one energy supplier (SAPN), and a consumer can have access to their portal via a login and see their raw data, which is very different to what you can download from the AGL usage page.

Not all energy suppliers have this sort of access, some you need to contact and have the file emailed out to you.

The suppliers are required (by law) to keep 2 years of data on a rolling basis available on request, but it is a lot easier to disseminate the AGL file available to all consumers with aGL and that have a digital meter.


This post was more regarding monitoring of live solar / usage data, and was posted back in January 2019.

Systems back then might have had a way to get this info from the inverter, some may have had apps or website access, others an led digital readout panel you could read, but now, we are lucky to have most good solar systems having their own app, most with desktop computer access via a web login too, and be able to see real time production and usage figures.


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Hi all,


You can monitor your usage using your smart meter, there are hidden menus that allow you to see the instantaneous reading.


Now the only problem with that is you have to be home at the time.


With most INVERTERS these days you can see a graph of your output at any time you wish to view it (from any where in the world).


Of course this is only possible if you have it connected to your home network...


Now AGL are getting better at giving you up to date data, in SA the usage from the MY ACCOUNT PAGE is normally up to date (minus the last half hour of each day for SA Users) by about 15:00 hours Central TIME for South Aussie users.


You then have to decode the data.


SAPowerNetworks supplies a NEM format file by about 06:30 (SA Time) but this is in the 5 minute format requested by AGL and is in EASTERN STANDARD TIME (always) which is why when you look at the clock on your smart meter it is not always correct (except in Qld as they do not have DST).


Now if you had access to the real time data (which you do if you are staring at your smart meter) how are you going to work out which Item is using the power at that time.


You can purchase systems that can measure the current in every wire in your house, in a simple form it can measure the current going through each circuit breaker in your house.


Most houses have about 7 breakers and this costs around $5000 dollars to install.


Now if one breaker has higher usage, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE OFFENDING DEVICE IS....


I can go on and on about this but unless you are a very savvy person you have "Buckley's Chance" of working it out.


If you are worried about your electricity usage, buy a device that allows you to measure the electricity at your power point and review every power point in your house.


Change your hot-water service to a heat pump and most of them allow you to set the start and stop times.


Heat your house to a maximum of 20deg and cool it to 26deg.


Invest in insulation in your roof, invest in roof top solar ( you get a return for 20 years or more), DON'T WASTE ELECTRICITY, spend less time in the shower (saves water and electricity/gas).


We monitor our usage daily using the info from the AGL web site, our expected Quarterly bill for electricity is $114, but our expected water bill for the same period will be $201 (using meter reads).

Cheers Neil

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