Energy monitoring in app/website doesn't work

2 Replies 29117 Views

Hi. I recently had a new remote smart digital meter installed. It looks to be an MK7A.


I was led to believe this would allow me to do stuff like this:


Unfortunately, even after about 2 weeks - I don't see any evidence of "real time" power feed information or even daily use statistics when I log into my AGL account.


What am I missing? Is my new smart digital remote monitoring meter actually even working? Why doesn't AGL's "energy insights" tool actually show me anything in the app/website?

AGL Moderator
AGL Moderator
2 Replies 26323 Views

Hi zebra, 


Thank you for your post and feedback!


I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're having and advise that you should be able to see solar feed-in information in the usage tab of your online account. 


If you're not seeing any of the features listed in the link you've provided, please send me a private message with a screenshot of what you can see so we can pass this onto our IT team to have a look.







If I’ve helped in anyway, please mark my post as SOLVED!

This helps our Community know the answer to common questions.
AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 26093 Views

Hi @zebra


Are you able to see insights now within My Account? Let us know. 


We have recently updated this area within My Account, check out the Manage Account tab and view the energy efficiency tips on how to manage your usage.


This feature is hot off the press, let us know what you think here or if you’ve got any other suggestions for what you do!

1 Reply 26052 Views

We have the same issue.. Stopped working as of 3/12 and it’s a brand new house with meter.. Was working fine up until then

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 26026 Views

Hi Robbo,


Welcome to the Community!


Are you using the App, My Account or both and not seeing this feature? Feel free to private message a screen shot to me and we'll take a look. Click on my username Samjy then click 'Message' top right to send a private message. 




1 Reply 25722 Views

I’m having the same problem. Got a new metre put in. And now the app isn’t showing my usage at all

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 25721 Views

Hi Amy2,


Welcome to the Community!


Can I ask when your new meter was installed? I ask because after your meter is installed, it will take approximately 1-2 weeks for your usage data to begin populating within your AGL app.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 25720 Views

It’s been in for longer then two weeks. It’s worked one day since being installed. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 25719 Views

Thanks Amy2!


This sounds like a systemic issue that we'll need to take a closer look at. I'll ask you to send me a quick private message with your AGL account number and address so that I can lend a hand.





1 Reply 25695 Views

I’m unsure about how to do a private message.