Unable to change internet plans - not good enough!

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I called up back in January 2021 to switch my internet plan from Home Fast to Home Standard and every month since then I still receive a bill for Home Fast. I have had to call up every month to rectify this and try get credited and every time I get the same answer saying that there is a glitch in the system and the change is still 'processing'.


Today when I called up I was told by the support agent to just wait, keep paying for the Home Fast plan and not bother calling back until I receive the correct bill, which could take at least another 2 or more months - how ridiculous is that? I'm sure if this was the other way around and I was the one who payed $15 less on my bill every month then AGL wouldn't be so understanding and I would be hit with late payment fees , so why not the other way around?


I understand that internet is somewhat a new product for AGL but was there no testing done in the system to account for change of internet plans before they went live? It seems like a fairly common use case for customers.


I sincerely hope someone from AGL reads this as the implementation of the internet product in AGL has had significant customer impacts. At this point I'm genuinely considering just cutting my losses, not bothering with the credits and changing to another ISP with a system that actually allows customers to change their internet plan. 

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 1650 Views

Hi @CameronJ  - really appreciate the feedback here, I'll pass it along to the team. As you mention, it's still a new product and some issues are being ironed out, but I'm really sorry for the inconvenience in this case.