
1 Reply 1175 Views

I'm trying to get a refund and getting the run around on the AGL app, it's very frustrating. Asking and re asking for information I've already given to finally be told they cannot refund the government payment. Issue is I have solar and my account is in credit every month so I will never use the government payment. How do I get this refunded? Is the only way to change provider so they have to refund? 

1 Reply 1153 Views

Stevie, yes you SHOULD easily be able to obtain the GOVCO rebates, be they Fed or State.

How it's supposed to work is your bill is first paid for using the rebates, leaving your solar credits intact for you to reclaim when you ask, or periodically, whatever you have arranged.


In your case, if you NEVER get a bill, even in winter, you are supposed to be able to ask for a credit of any rebates, I'm not sure when, but if you have say a years' history of bill credits with your obviously efficient solar, you should be able to get the rebate refunded to you at some stage.


I'd be surprised, based on other thread replies here from AGL reps, if you can't get the rebates now, if you do have a solid solar credits history.

Await a rep from AGL to reply here, or search up a few of the many threads already posted here for a read.


1 Reply 1139 Views

Thanks Lester, 


I have received solar credits that exceed my bill usage for 4 years. They stated in chat that because my last bill was a few dollars that they will not refund as their system is predicting usage greater than solar generation. I state to them, even if this was the case it would be 10+ years before I consume the government rebate with s bill of $8 per month. 


It was really such an annoying experience with their chat team, almost like they were thrilled to deny my claim, I felt they where purposely being difficult. I switched to Alinta to get the refund only to find out the next day they've changed their mind and emailed me confirmation of my request for $1000.

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Wow, they might have lost your account then . . .

There are many confused people on the forum asking about rebates, and when they are coming.

There seems to be different replies from reps at times, but expect they were not all that sure with how it was all going to work, and when rebates were to be paid.