Horrible Internet Speed - From 100Mbps promised to 30Mbps only

2 Replies 2094 Views

I have the home fast plan which is a promised 100Mbps speed but for an entire  week I've been checking my speed at random time. The result will always be around 30-45Mbps  whether its 3am, 4pm or 11pm. The speed is always the same. I regretted my moved so much as this has become a downgrade instead of an upgrade. This fuels my anxiety and gives me stress as a first time customer and just moved from another state. Can someone from AGL cancel my plan as soon as possible please. I want to pay only the days used. As someone who works at home, this is slowly eating my mental health.



AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 2077 Views

Hi @gracielo , I'm sorry to see you're getting disappointing speeds. To cancel your plan, you'll need to get in touch with AGL support directly. The best way to do this is to send a message via the AGL app or your My Account page and speak to an agent. This way you'll avoid long wait times on the phone. It's asynchronous messaging, like texting, so you don't need to wait around for an agent reply.

0 Replies 1536 Views

I am in the same boat, I have checked my speed have been anywhere from 2MBPS, 10MBPS, 35MBPS and just checked now it is 11MBPS. I moved to AGL after I was promised a better service and after they connected me to the wrong house, I had to spend numerous hours on the phone. Finally resolved to now see the speeds they promised are not actually available is seriously alarming. I feel I have paid for a service I have not received and will take this further as the call centres are no help and don’t even listen. I have considered filing a complaint against TIO.