Where is AGL's Customer Support? Is anyone actually there?? Meter Upgrade and Solar Bonus

1 Reply 1357 Views

I have what I thought was a relatively simple question.


I used the My Account Message system to ask, only to be told to phone support.

I sat for hours on hold to the phone number supplied by message, gave up when my battery died.

Asked the question here on neighborhood, no reply in a week, but agents reply to posts that are 1 hour old.




I have recently been advised via letter that my meter will be upgraded to digital.


I currently have a standard plan (T11 / CL31) and have the Queensland Government 44 cent feed-in rebate.


Before the meter is upgraded to a digital smart meter could you please answer the following questions:


Will the meter change require a new electricity plan, or will I stay on the same plan / tariffs?


Most importantly, will changing the meter affect my eligibility to receive the Queensland Government Solar Bonus Scheme 44 cent feed-in tariff?


This is a simple question that should be addressed in the correspondence regarding the upgrade.


Any assistance would be appreciated

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You will get the 44c per kWh government rebate but AGL will no longer pay you for any solar you generate.


As off the 1st July you are paying about 30% more for your electricity (which you would have been informed about and your new rates)


Their has been lots of media coverage about this, so this should not have been a shock, if you think this is unfair then I will swap my SA bill for your Qld one, we are paying over 50c per kWh for peak now. But we do pay less for the supply charge.


As to your other questions, you may already be on a new SINGLE RATE TARIFF, what ever you do don't take a DEMAND tariff.


By the way you do not have to accept the Smart Meter but if you don't in six months if they tell you again unless you have a medical reason (basically) your meter will be changed.


I suggest you look at tariffs with AGL and other Retailers to get the best plan.


When you go to individual Retailers to get the exact pricing and latest offerings you will get taken to a Federal government web site called Energy made easy.


To save you time you can go to the site directly and find the right plan for your self.


When filling out the details if you don't tell them your are with AGL you will see their offerings as well.


Don't think this is a FIVE MINUTE JOB, be prepared to spend any thing up to four hours or more.


I never put in about pools or using AC's, never supply my usage figures or current retailer.


There is a filter you can set up (at the top of the screen) to eliminate some things.


When answering if you say no to a smart meter the list will be limited.


The site is https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/


If you click on the link above it will start a new web page and take you to the landing page.


Good luck, it is a very valuable resource.

Cheers Neil

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