Failure to disconnect service

1 Reply 2119 Views

AGL agreed to disconnect my power service, they have not done so and I have a huge bill for an empty house 

1 Reply 2110 Views

Annie, it shouldn't be a huge bill, if there isn't any final usage charges in this new bill, and if the house is REALLY empty, there is nothing on inside to draw any power . . . fridge / freezer, anything on standby etc.


The worst you should be getting if still connected is a daily supply charge circa $1 a day inc gst, so if a full quarter $90 odd.


Of course if you asked for a total disconnection of the service, that should have been done and a final bill issued / paid.

Did you keep a record of your disconnection request, date / time etc when you contacted AGL ?

1 Reply 2089 Views

Thanks for that Lester. Yes, of course everything was disconnected, had quite a conversation with AGL Rep. I even got a refund from years ago when AGL lied, bullied and extorted money from me, claiming I owed something. I didn't and I finally got the credit, which now seems to have disappeared. I also received a email address 'in case anything occured'. No prizes for guessing when I tried the email address to get some answers from AGL, it was unrecognised. I have complained to my bank and now am writing, yes hard copy, to AGL, Registered Letter. Couldn't have come at a worse time as am overseas with a recently diagnosed 'rare and as yet untreatable' illness. Honestly never rains put it pours. I really didn't need all the stress from AGL. Well Lester, thanks again. I am sure you would agree, if I have much more trouble with them I should get in touch with the Ombudsman.

Good night 

1 Reply 2085 Views

Well, gee Annie, good luck with your overseas dilemma, hope everything with medical goes ok including sorting out the AGL account.

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Thanks Lester!