Connection issue

1 Reply 10144 Views

On last Friday, someone just came and took the meter box away without saying anything, explanation or notice. Then I quickly contacted your company through the online chat and the consultant said would get someone to come and fix the problem. Besides, I explained that I was oversea at that moment and emailed some photos of the meter box in order to provide the information about the location and said better contact me by email. However, someone still ring me up by phone and I can’t even answer it. And no further action was taken by the way. On Monday, I called and was promised will send people to get connection on Tuesday. But still, I spent whole day on waiting you guys to come but saw nobody. Then I made an online chat again and asked what was going on. Thank god. I thought I have already gotten confirmed that someone will come after waiting for one more business day on 17/01/2019. However, once again! No one came! May I ask why they can just come and cut off the power so effectively but make no effort on solving the issues?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 10136 Views

Hi EK,


Thank you for getting in touch here!

I'm a little bit confused by your explanation of what has happened sorry - has someone taken your meters away, or are you simply waiting for your electricity to be connected?


Kind regards,



1 Reply 10114 Views



Someone from your company has come and disconnected the electricity. And also we are now waiting for the connection and has been waiting for a week! Would you mind calling somebody to come and get it connected today?




AGL Moderator
1 Reply 10113 Views

Hi EK,


You'll need to get in touch with our customer service team for help with this one - it can't be sorted out through the Community I'm sorry to say!


You can get in touch with our web chat team here.


Kind regards,



0 Replies 10112 Views



I will if they will try to do something!  However, I have called several times and contacted with the web chat team many times and still have the issues existed. BTW, no one try to come and get it connected after promised for many times! And it was wasting my time. So, I am very curious about why the solution team is so inefficient and how such a service can be trusted by customers.

