AGL contact

1 Reply 4260 Views

I don’t think I have ever had so much trouble contacting a company as I have had with these jokers at AGL. We have a credit with the company, almost 2K and all I want to do is have a refund from them and I cannot even get to discuss the option with them. After half an hour of waiting I got someone from the Phillipines and then the connection dropped out. Another thing is that the account lists my wifes name first but we both pay the bills, in fact I do the contact work and any payments for the electricity account but they will ONLY list one name on the account so every time I have contact with them. WHY cannot both names be on the account? Our bank details list a joint account and I even went to the trouble of getting my name as an approved person to access it but everytime I talk to them I have to go through the same rigmarole. We have been married for 43 years and this nonsense is served up by people who are not even in the same country talking to you. WHY don’t they have a simple credit refund button on the account? It goes into an approved account so I cannot see any reason except that they wish to KEEP the monies that are the account holders with their financial managers and probably play the short term market with it. I tried the messaging service but even there they sent back an AUTOMATED reply that said someone would message me back after half an hour. This company rates very low on service for its customers and the plethora of comments related to this is an indication of the dissatisfaction of their clients. AGL you need to employ a few more people here to staff your call centres.

AGL Community Manager
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Hi @MichaelBuderim, I'm sorry to hear it's been so difficult to get a hold of us. It sounds like you've already tried both approaches I'd suggest, these being adding a second approved person to the account and using our messaging service, so if you're not happy with the outcome and you'd like to put in a complaint, I'd recommend you send the same information through using the form on this page.