AGL App - Past usage

1 Reply 97799 Views

I notice that the past usage details in the AGL app only cover 3 quarters and don’t allow an option to review the matching prior period to the current period.

It would be very helpful for the past usage details to at least cover the prior 4 quarters over the last 12 months

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 4888 Views

Hi @GC123, welcome to AGL Neighbourhood! 

You can certainly check your past usage on your AGL My Account, you can change the filter from 'Billing Period' to 'Yearly' and then the back arrow to see last years recorded usage. 



1 Reply 4880 Views

Hello Nam

Thanks for your reply.

Would you please explain where I find the filter to change the “Billing Period” to yearly.



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 4869 Views

Hi GC123,


You can view this by clicking on the Usage tab across the top. You will then be taken to the Usage screen, and "Billing Periods" can be seen on the top left hand corner. Just make sure you're logged into My Account via the website, not the APP. You can log in here. 


Kind Regards,
