download energy bill not available on web site

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No energy bill sent to me in October 2021 & nowhere to download from web site

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If you log into the 'My Account' on the AGL website, you can find your bill under the 'Billing' section. If it's not there, it will advise you when the next bill is due.


Still not appearing, I'd say give AGL a call to see if there is any issues 🙂

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have the exact same problem. I didn't receive my normal email bill. I know it is coming up soon so I logged into my account. It shows the amount due but doesn't give the actual PDF bill.

I'm old school, I like to know the actual breakdown of charges rather than just be told the amount owing.

The bill also gives additional options for payments such as Bpay, Post Office etc that doesn't appear online account.

I was able to use the Online Messenger service - This is well hidden by the way. I had to click through quite a few screens to get to it. The person I chatted with didn't appear to be in Australia - very poor form for an Australian company whose rates for electricity are amongst the highest.

He assured me that he resent the email bill and I would receive it within 24 hours (this was a red flag in itself, an email to be resent should be almost instantaneous).

It has been a week and I still haven't received an ebill by email. There is no pdf bill available on my online account either.

My question is how do I trust the amount due if AGL accounting system can't produce a proper bill?

AGL Community Manager
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Hi @pjenkins@SmartAlec 


I can confirm there's a current issue with generating PDF  and paper bills. This is a technical problem with our billing partner Fuji Xerox and it affects bills generated on 11 October and 15 October. It's being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible.


In the meantime you can contact customer service and they'll be able to provide you a copy of your bill directly.