Your electricity rates are changing email

1 Reply 2806 Views

I really dislike the way AGL word their emails. The most recent email I received title "Your electricity rates are changing".


They then go on to say:


"Effective from 1 July 2024:


•          You'll see that some of your electricity rates may be decreasing or increasing."


Which is it AGL? Are my rates increasing or decreasing? I know you know, so please just tell me straight up. This is not the first time I've received an email kine this. It's very annoying and I've just about had it. 



2 Replies 2786 Views

AGL prices are increasing if you are in SE QLD.

I am disappointed and distressed by this news.


I suggest you try the Energy Made Easy website.


When contacting AGL customer service I was told the increase was Mandated by the Australian Government.Really  ?

It is so upsetting to see AGL solar feed in reduced to 5c per Kwh,  So solar panel install is a waste of money these days as you may be lucky to generate $1.00 a day !  Then we get charged daily supply cost going up to $1.24 + a day and Tariff 11 usage jumping to 33c + Kwh a day.


There are better options available out there.


I have been a loyal customer for a number of years for Electricity, Mobile and Internet and will be leaving AGL if they choose not to make available a more competitive plan.  



EME comparison.JPGDMO.JPG


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Hmm, I thought I posted a reply this morning, might not have hit send.


Anyway, got similar email last night re my workshop power price change, and this morning a similar one for home.

Both said prices were decreasing, both had a link to new rates.


Workshop going down Peak 1.42c, off peak down 1.03c, both + gst . . . supply charge same.


Home, Peak going down 3/4 of 1c (yes 0.748c decrease), other TOU charges similar, this is including GST as a comparison.


Not sure what to do with this windfall.

In the past 2 years home power rates have gone up 44%, when the news articles were saying expect 25%, so not sure what happened there with that greater increase.


I've checked, here in SA there are no better deals.

1 Reply 2277 Views

Welcome to the capitalist society where everything must keep going up to pay the business owners.


Stop voting for Liberals who want to keep coal fired power stations and their interest is looking after businesses, not the voters. Coal-fired power stations and gas peakers are the direct cause of wholesale prices of electricity going up and they game the system to rake in up to $15/kWh, yes that's right, $15/kWh.


We need to push more for renewables as they drive down wholesale prices.


Return ownership of the "poles and wires" back into public ownership, not private ones (like they did in Victoria).


We all have the power to change the system.... vote the wrong politicians out and get the right ones in. That means voting out the Coalition.

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@GKSolar you're right about a lot there, but it's not just business owners who benefit from whatever extra windfalls might come from ever increasing power pricing, it's the share prices / dividends for shareholders, and corporate ceos / execs who get huge bonuses to meet ever growing targets.


I agree some renewables are really warranted now, as quickly as we can get in place, in particular small residential, commercial, and industrial rooftop solar, as long as it includes a 10+ kw battery !!

Then with a decent system, most residences at least be almost self sufficient throughout the year and still give some to the grid to help out (VPPs once established more).


I don't think we should go with huge farms of solar or wind, unless very close to existing infrastructure to help get the production to the grid, without massive development costs, nothing interfering with primary production, and cost benefit analysis on exactly what pros / cons there are to actually making, maintaining, and disposing of alternative power generation equipment (actual cost and environmental cost).


Right now, I feel instead of GOVCO allowing our LNG to be virtually stolen by corporations for a pittance, no royalties, compared to what we pay here for our own countrymen, we should be using that for base load and slowly developing our own renewable products to build this country, not some other one on the other side of the globe.


Anyway, I don't think Labor is going all out to help their own here, both major parties seem to have a lack of common sense and foresight past the next election.