Urgently need old bills

2 Replies 6184 Views

I need to access some old bills for tax purposes. The problem is I moved house, so my account number changed and I can't see the old ones anymore. According to another thread here (https://neighbourhood.agl.com.au/t5/Energy-Accounts-and-Billing/Download-older-bills/td-p/4686#), it says I can chat with your web chat team via a link provided in that thread.. I tried it and it doesn't work. I also tried clicking the chat button on this page: https://www.agl.com.au/help-support/contact-us. That doesn't work either. Nothing happens when I click it.


Please, I really need someone from AGL to email me some older bills ASAP. Can you ask someone to contact me regarding this, please?

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 6181 Views

Hi @vnmatt , sorry to hear the live chat isn't working for you at the moment. You'll still need to contact customer service directly to get hold of these bills from an old account, but there's other options beyond web chat. You can also reach us by phone, and as long as you still have an active account, you'll also be able to log in and click Message Us on your account overview page to get in touch with an agent. 

2 Replies 6176 Views

If you mean the "Leave a message" option which can be found here: https://www.agl.com.au/help-support/contact-us then that is not true.. that is also broken. What happens when I click it is it just takes me to the "My Account" home page. Your site is broken!!! It's ridiculous. I'm a web developer myself, so I'm wondering how it is you deployed a broken website.. Don't you test changes first before going ahead and deploying it? Anyway, since I am logged in when writing these messages, it means you have my phone number and email address.. all my account info at the tip of your fingers. I also emailed customer service yesterday from an old email address I found (customer.solutions@agl.com.au). I haven't received a response yet; I don't know if it's because it hasn't been long enough or because that email address is the wrong place to ask for such help and they will ignore my request.


In any case, since your site is broken (both the "Leave a Message" and web chat), then I would appreciate your getting someone to contact me about this.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 6160 Views

Hi @vnmatt , sorry, but I don't have access to your account number or phone number via this public community. 

If you'd like me to follow up with the tech team to determine why the Chat and Messaging functions aren't working for you, please shoot me a private message (click my name) with your account number and a screenshot of the issue. You might also like to test those features on a different device or network. Browser extensions can also sometimes interfere with them.

If you wish to send me your account number I can also pass your actual issue re: old bills along to customer service on your behalf, but for a faster resolution, calling will be your best bet.


Customer Service don't currently use email as a support channel, so unfortunately it's likely the older address you tried is unmonitored.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 6157 Views

@vnmatt wrote:

What happens when I click it is it just takes me to the "My Account" home page. 

Just to clarify - this is correct. The "Message Us" button should be located in the bottom right of your My Account overview page. If it's not visible on your account, this is a technical issue.

0 Replies 6147 Views

There is no "Message Us" option at the bottom right or anywhere else on the "My Account" page for me. Anyway, thanks for your responses. I have sent you a private message as you suggested.

0 Replies 2863 Views

I need a copy of old agl bill for the year 2019