Special meter read fee - why? and gst

1 Reply 4785 Views

why am i being charged an excessive amount for my readings? at $78.12 + and additional charge for gst at $36.45 for electricity, this is now my second bill and this is the second time i have now noticed this? why am i being charged excessive amounts just for being with your company, pretty upsetting, especially over the poor service you guys have provided me so far, and going on compare i should only be getting charged approx $270 per 93 day charge period, yet i have been charged over that on both bills, first bill being $1000, second bill now $400, this is pretty pathetic concidering i am a single mother on a pension. i will be changing back to energy australia. whom take care of their customers. cheers for ripping australians off.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 4782 Views

Hi kas,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


I'm sorry to hear that the state of your billing has led to you looking elsewhere for your energy needs. The fees you've mentioned are typically only charged once for special meter readings completed for customers when they move into or out of a property. If you've been charged this fee more then once, I'm very curious to find out more!


If you could post a screenshot of the bill(s) in question here clearly showing these fees, that'd be great.


Kind regards,

