Returned to quarterly billing

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I have a tad of confusion happening now, let me tell you the tale of what and why. I received the email telling me that I am now on a monthly bill cycle, i'm sure we all received it, but I like the quarterly bill cycle, so according to the instructions I went to the app and tried to change it back, maybe I was too quick, but it wouldn't work. I then went to the website on my computer and tried to do the same thing, again no luck, buttons were greyed out and I couldn't change anything. So I bit the bullet and rang AGL, after a wait time I was asked what I wanted to do, I replied that I wish to stay on the quarterly bill cycle, the nice lady said she was fixing that for me, so I waited, she came back on and said all fixed. It seems that I should of received a new bill, the one from the last quarter finishing in mid November, no such bill arrived, I checked the app and it says "bill coming soon", it's been that way for a few weeks. I went on my AGL on my computer and it seems that I now get 6 monthly bills ???, that is according to the times on the bill cycle. So I guess you can see why i'm a tad confused. I hate calling and waiting in the queue, but it looks like i'll have to. Wonder what button was pushed that led to this hiccup ?? 🙂 🙂

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You must have pushed the quarterly bills button twice !! 😛

I am fairly sure only monthly or quarterly billing options exist, so you should get it sorted out.

I'm sure AGL don't want to wait for their $ for twice as long !!

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called AGL today, after inputting numerous numbers eg: date of birth and security code, I spoke to a service person. I explained the problem and she assured me that I am on quarterly billing, I said that's good, although the website also shows that my billing period is between 17 Aug and the 12 Feb, pretty sure that's a tad longer than 3 months ??, also a bill should of come in between 17 Aug and now, it has not appeared, could it be issued??. I was assured it will be and it will be fixed, I thanked her and now I will see what happens. Perhaps anymore stuff ups I might end up with yearly billing and free electricity :-), joking ..... Cheers all, Pete.