No data update on electricity consumption and electricity production since 25 Jul 2019

1 Reply 19968 Views

I tried to contac consultant today, but I was not successful.

I only got as far as Community Board.

Maybe because it was close to 21:00 on Tuessday 22nd October 2019

I did not have information updated on my AGL online account  from June, then about month or so later it got updated to 25th of July.

I contacted AGL in total 5 or 6 times since June 2019, all operators promised to have it fixed in 3 to 5 working days.
Last time I was asked to wait 10 working days, 11th working day was on 17th October 2019


Appears all operators were liars.

Can somebody help me to get information I always had available?

Why is it so difficuld to provide me with genuine will to fix this almost 5 months problem?


(Almost identical post I made on old thread from 2017 year. After I posted it, I got access to area where I could start new thread, so I used the opportunity. Hope Moderators don't mind.)


AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 14983 Views

Hi @Lenes , sorry for the difficulty you've had resolving this issue. 


What type of electricity meter do you use? If you have a smart meter, you should be able to see your usage data. If you have an interval meter, you won't be able to see your usage currently, but we're restoring this ability in the near future. If you have a standard meter, you won't be able to view usage data.


1 Reply 14979 Views

I have smart meter. 

When it was installed I tried number of times to work out what is what.

I was told not to worry about some readings, they were minute, but kept creeping up.


I used information from the web site for quite a few years with minor hiccups, that were sooner or later rectified.


This time is different, lots of promises and no result.


Every agent I manage to get to chat with is sorry for what happened to me, gets all the details and tells me that problem will be fixed.

After couple of times I asked agents are they sure that they will help me this time, and they replied yes.

So I gave them good marks at the end of chat.


Last time for some reason I did not manage to get though all the hoops to get to chat option with AGL agent.


Your CONTACT system in my opinion is: "how to make it difficult for customer to contact us".


Maybe you can tell me how to have contact with human that knows about technical/computer stuff and not some kind of "sorry to hear that" agent who only collects information to pass on to somebody who doesn't do a thing to fix the problem.


Kind regards


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 14971 Views

Hi Lenes,


Thank you for this additional information.


I'm very sorry to hear that you feel that AGL are making things intentionally difficult for you. So that I can lend a hand, could you please send me a private message containing your AGL account number, full name, and email address?


You can send me a message by clicking in my username, "jaydeny".


Kind regards,



1 Reply 14965 Views

Hi Jaydeny,

I sent you PM, hope that you can have more success with my problem.


Last couple of times when I chatted with operators they confirmed that quite a few of my contacts are recorded on my file, so you can have a look and see that nothing was done and that nobody contacted me/us to tell why and when it will be rectified and so on.

Kind regards


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 14960 Views

Hi Lenes,


Thank you for getting back to me.


Unfortunately I haven't received a private message as of yet. Could you please double check that this was sent on your end?


Kind regards,



1 Reply 14955 Views

Just sent PM to Jaydeny, hope it reaches target this time. (Not sure what I did wrong on my first attempt?)

I am new to this Forum and must say it is not too intuitive (for me anyway).


I cannot work out how to look at the Forum?

All I can do is search: No data update ... and my thread comes up between other similar problem raised on this Forum.


No idea how to look at my tagged threads and how to tag them in a first place.

Using other words, I am not used to this type of Forum layout, where I cannot find how to view Forum Board, Main Subjects and individual Threads. - 

To me it is little bit hidden.

Hope I can improve my sills on how to navigate this Forum.

By the way is there a U-tube film, how to use this Forum?

1 Reply 14943 Views

Found this Utube film:


Just glossy information, not much info on "how to"

1 Reply 14927 Views

Got an E-mail today reminding me to mark the thread as solved.

Believe me, I would love to mark it solved as much as would prefer not to have this problem in a first place.

It almost looks unreal.


AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 14915 Views

Hi @Lenes , sorry to hear you're having trouble using the Community. Hopefully this will answer a few of your questions, but if you need any more help please let me know:


  • If you receive a reply to one of your posts, you should see a notification appear on the "bell" icon in the top right of the page. 
  • If you click your name Lenes in the top right of the page, you'll be able to view your profile which will also list conversations you have participated in recently (like this one)
  • The community's homepage is and from there you can click through to individual boards and conversations. For example, you'll find this one under "Get Support" and then "Accounts and Billing"