Monthly billing

2 Replies 47529 Views

Cannot find the place where to edit monthly billing ??????


AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 7140 Views

If monthly billing is not for you and you’d prefer to remain on quarterly billing, you can cancel it by following these steps in My Account, opens in a new window:


  1. Select your name in the top right corner, then 'Account Settings'
  2. In the 'Billing and payments, opens in a new window' menu, go to 'Monthly billing' and select 'Edit'
  3. Next to your monthly billing service, select 'Cancel'.
0 Replies 6219 Views

Why is the ability to swap from monthly billing back to quarterly blanked out for my electricity account? It is tedious getting a bill every month, I would like to swap this back to quarterly.

1 Reply 199 Views

The Link to change option not available today.

1 Reply 195 Views

I can only think of two reasons AGL would want people to pay monthly, and I'm not suggesting anyone here present or past is in the first group . . .


1. Consumers / customers with bad paying habits, always paying late.

AGL could follow up sooner, have smaller sums to collect, and improve cashflow.

(Edit, of course if late payers continue to not pay on time, they will get hit late payments every month too, which AGL would get on top of payment amount, not a big reason for them I feel, but a little extra.)


2. AGL want better cashflow all round, for obvious reasons, and don't want it to appear they will still offer switching back.

In the past, changes to monthly emails or letters have had the option to switch back, and how to do that . . . that happened to my account back here April 2024 . . . 

My comments there on that reflect how I felt then and still do, it should be opt in.


I guess if you can't see the option to change back in your online account for changing back to quarterly, you might try calling them to see if still an option that way.


This is what I found on my online website account just now . . .

On your AGL website online account (no option on the app ? see below), click Billing menu, right side Payment options click All payment options and then Billing frequency, select quarterly billing.

(Mine shows select monthly billing, because I'm back on quarterly since last April . . . if I was on monthly there now, I expect it would say switch to quarterly billing.)


I just went through the phone app menus, all the links, there seems to be no way to make these changes on that platform.

So if you only have the app, get onto the AGL site, create your account there, and go through the above process, or just give AGL a call to make the change back (if possible). 

0 Replies 190 Views
Thanks Lester. The link now operates. I'm someone who likes the lower hassle not dealing with 12 invoices rather than 4.