Latest price rise / dropping feed in tariff

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Finding it strange that electricy  prices are rising,  but feed in tariffs are dropping seems very one sided to me

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This may be little consolation but I suspect that you are on a single rate tariff and that you are now out of your contract.

Last year my rates went up by:

Peak            32% 

Shoulder      55%

Off Peak      48%


This year when my contract expires 24th June:

I get a reduction in my rates (and my solar)

Peak            -7% 

Shoulder      -22%

Off Peak      -15%


At least you can look forward to the new reductions when they eventually come in, even though I should get further reductions hopefully.

Cheers Neil

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I guess depends on where @Gaz1 is located.


My power went up a similar amount to yours @NeilC . . . about 45% over a period of 2 bills back when the big (supposed 25%) increase was mooted for SA, we were then on single tariff without solar.


Some states like Vic, and I think there are others, the minimum / maximum feed in is set by a state regulator, over and above retailers / suppliers.

Here in SA there are no such min / max caps, and the feed in can be changed at will.


Looking quickly in a search, AGL supposedly pays highest feed in for NSW, up to 15c, while here in SA it is 6c, or even 5c.


@NeilC  when you say :

This year when my contract expires 24th June:

I get a reduction in my rates (and my solar)


AGL has reduced your feed in from then ?


My recent email is not an end contract, but market contract rates coming into effect July 1st . . . the email states reductions in rates of around 3/4 of 1c per khw for the various TOU charges, feed in stays same 6c, EV rate and supply charge staying same too.

This is obviously what SA gets in the reduction of power prices recently announced.

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NO GSTPeakShoulderO/PeakSupply
Old Cost $     0.5065 $   0.3369 $   0.3721 $ 1.0460
New Cost $     0.4708 $   0.2759 $   0.3227 $ 0.9596


Above is the new pricing for me


Still can't understand the Easterners complaining about their prices, some of them even have to pay $0.27 (with GST) for peak

Cheers Neil

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I'll email you @NeilC as your rates are not same as my new ones.

Maybe 10% higher ?

My main inquiry to your comment "I get a reduction in my rates (and my solar) was to do with the 'and my solar' comment, it implied your solar feed in was reducing too ??

Emailing shortly.