Questions and discussion about AGL's Energy plans and your AGL Energy account
Hey Someone,
Firstly this is not a new idea
Should be in the heading "Get Support" and sub title "Billing"
@David_AGL or another may want to move this.
AGL has a document.
Here is my last bill. (I will put the maths in RED and BOLD for you)
New charges and credits.
Usage and supply charges Units Price Amount
General Usage 498.92kWh $0.378 $188.59
Supply charge 90 days $0.830 $74.70
Total charges + $263.29
(General Usage + Supply Charge = $263.29 ..... this is the amount I owe AGL for electricity and supply)
Standard Feed-in Tariff* 1979.349kWh $0.2 $395.87cr
Total credits - $395.87cr
(This is the amount that AGL owes me for solar feed-in $397.87)
Total new charges and credits -$132.58cr
(This is $397.87 minus $263.29 = $132.58 Credit to me)
Total GST + $26.33
( GST is 10% of $263.29 = $26.329 (with rounding) = $26.33)
Account Due = $106.25cr
(Account Due is $132.58 that AGL owes me, minus the GST = -$132.58+ $26.33)
AGL now owes me $106.25
Now I presume without seeing your actual bill that your USAGE Charges totalled $179.90 as that is what your GST is.
You must have other items on your bill that you have not stated as ($179.90 + $17.99 = $197.89)
You have stated $214.66 as your amount.
I've moved this across to the Accounts and Billing forum.
@NeilC has done a great job of breaking down the bill explainer. There may also be fees and charges on your bill that do not include GST. See
It's difficult to provide more detail without access to your bill. Please contact customer support if you need more assistance with it.