Extremely high gas bill

1 Reply 3904 Views



We got bill from AGL, The past two bills it has been $500 each time more than usual. We called and asked, we were asked to send a photo of the reading and we did, we got email saying the reading was actually wrong they re investigating will get back to me. but they did not do anything, we got out and asked the nehboor about three unites thier bill is about $130, they do similar thing to us. 


I was very surprised by this amount because single with my son, customer service not a big help, I was told they will call me but no one called I end up calling and I was told to pay the full amount a little over $1000. And I did pay but I am calling cunsumal affair they were not helping, I have everything in my email. I took a photo at night before I went to bed and I took a photo in the morning it shows a difference, 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3889 Views

Hi Imkokob,


I'm sorry you have had this experience with AGL, it's certainly not what we want to occur.


So we can investigate this further if you can login to "My Account" via the below link and select "Message Us", someone will be able to look into this.
