Energy Plans don’t talk to Internet plans

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Hi there - context I have called 3 times now to AGL customer service now and each time have no success in resolving. I am the partner of the account and was only authorised on the energy account but not on the nbn account.


On 26/7 - I went into my account and changed my energy plan AND also ordered an NBN Fast Plan which had a promo at $59/month plus a 2 for 1 eero modem. I got reference number in an email but no confirmation of what service I ordered.

On 2/8 - I called asking about where my nBn plan was at. They had no order, it didn’t exist and worst, when speaking to the seri d reps (only one team looks at energy while the other looks at nbn so when I talk to them they have no idea who I am as a customer). I ended up passing through 4 reps when the 4th one said she will email the person who looks after the promotion and see if they can still do the order. Advised return call within 2 business days

On 7/8 (3 business days later) - I called again and of course had to pass through 2 teams before getting someone from nbn sales but couldn’t see my energy plan and saying they will try to help. He said he will talk to his boss and he came back saying he will call back by end of day to organise the deal.

On 8/8 - I called back as did not get a call back. Am speaking again to someone from nbn sales team who cannot see the account (which hasn’t been ordered) and that there’s nothing they can see. Also since I am not the account holder, I was not able to discuss anything about the account as I’m not authorised on the internet account. Now my next step is to have my partner (account holder) to call back, somehow get me authorised on this nbn account before anything can happen.


Terrible customer service - AGL have a huge problem where they don’t have their systems talking