Clarifying AGL electricity on my new built house

1 Reply 5447 Views

Hi, I've been advised by my builder Porter Davis that our home electricity is with AGL. We also received the same confirmation from our electricity provider United Energy. However from my last chat to AGL staff, she is unable to find our property detail and account. It would be great if someone from AGL could assist. I'm relunctant to reveal my detail here. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 5438 Views

Hi Luisa!


Welcome to AGL Community!


I agree, providing personal details in public is not recommended.


If your builder is able to provide you with you NMI or meter number, that will help us locate your property as the address may be a lot number.


If they are not sure, you should be able to obtain your meter number from your physical meter on the property.


This link should help you locate your meter number on the meter itself.


Thank you


1 Reply 5427 Views

Hi Ellen,


Glad to get actual person's reply finally from AGL! I have been trying to leave a message through my login, however it was only a virtual assistant responded to it! 


My NMI is 6*********. 


It would be great if you could locate it and add it to my current account with AGL Gas account as well. 


Look forward to hearing a favourable reply from you soon. 


Kind Regards,


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5410 Views

Hi Lusia! 


I am glad you were able to locate your NMI. 


I am unable to just add that to your account, as we need to pick out a plan and go through a few things with you. 


If you jump on with out Webchat team here, our dedicated team will be able to set up your account for you. 


Thank you 
