Casual Gas Plan

1 Reply 337 Views

Could a casual gas plan be developed. As more people move away from gas or reduce the consumption of gas, this may be beneficial. In my case I will only be using gas in the cooler winter months. Basically put a pause on gas supply charges when not required. I can do a final reading then reapply to start using gas again. But a plan that recognises this may be helpful.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 314 Views

Hi there,


You may benefit from a seasonal disconnection. What this entails is your gas distributor attending the property and locking and plugging the gas supply so the gas cannot be used. During this period we will close the AGL account which will prevent you from paying a daily supply charge.


Please note there may be a fee associated with the reconnection depending on your gas distributor that we can quote to you prior to going ahead with this process.


What this also means is that when you reactivate your service you will not be able to access your previous plan if it isn't still available, you will be signed up on the cheapest available plan at the time of the account being reactivated.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 247 Views

Thanks for that Megan. I will do as you stated when my next gas usage period is done. I am going to leave it as it is this period to see when my gas period ends. Changed to Heat Pump hot water recently. Also use an Induction hob for cooking. 


Could you pass on the suggestion for a Casual Plan as this plan would be for pausing gas conection not moving. I am just trying to see if what you have suggested can be made easier. 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 225 Views

Hi there,


Thank you for your feedback, I will absolutely pass this on, on your behalf.


Kind regards,

