HoLeeFook's latest conversations

HoLeeFook Semiconductor

AGL VPP partnership

VPP with a difference. AGL to install and maintain a battery on the customers premises. The customer has access to 20% of capacity except for peak load events. AGL can use the remaining battery capacity any way they require. Power is generated and consumed locally. Reducing some of load on the transmission infrastructure. If the above is not feasible. Similar installation and the customer gets preferential rates on imports and exports of energy for having an AGL battery on their premises
0 Replies 1 Like
HoLeeFook Semiconductor

Re: Peak, Off Peak, Shoulder Periods in Melbourne

Hi Jayden, I would be helpful if the time of use was included with the time and charges when sending out updated rates. The time of use is hidden in further details in the last rate change notification from AGL.
2 Replies 0 Likes
HoLeeFook Semiconductor

Re: Credit/Balance transfer - Pay gas bills from credit of electricity account

That is a good Idea Finnegan, Maybe something will be done instead of just talking about doing it. This Idea probably will not be acted on as it will be useful for the customer.
36 Replies 0 Likes