Account balance not updating

1 Reply 3558 Views

10 days ago I transferred a credit balance from my old electricity account to my new one due to moving house and paying my electricity fortnightly in advance. The phonecall was easy but 2 days later the balance disappeared from my old account on the app but didn’t appear on the new one. I messaged online and was assured of my new balance and told to try again soon. 4 days later I called and was again assured of my balance and told that there might be a technical glitch and to try later. Now 10 days later the balance is still incorrect and I can only rest easy due to requesting a statement to be emailed to me so that I have my correct balance in writing. 

I do not feel comfortable with a company having my money if I am not able to keep track of it and it’s really beginning to frustrate me. 

Anybody else have similar issues?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3533 Views

Hi AmberStew,


Sorry you are having this issue. When funds are transferred from an old to a new account, the system may automatically apply a lock on the amount preventing it from showing until the next bill is issued.


So we can look at your account and see what is occurring, please click here to call or get in touch via messenger.