Account and billing

3 Replies 32426 Views

Would just like to touch base with someone about my last bill.

My AGL account is $0.00, and has been $0.00 for the last few weeks. Yet I received a letter in the mail today stating that I've been charged a small fee due to not paying my bill?

If someone could clear this up.. would really appreciate it.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 32415 Views

Hi Dgroomy,


Welcome to the Community!


Can I ask you to please provide more details regarding this letter you've received? Is it a reminder letter for an overdue amount, or a letter stating that a direct debit was unsuccessful/dishonoured?


Kind regards,



1 Reply 32411 Views

Hi Jaydeny,


I believe it was a direct debit that was unsuccessful/dishonored. I usually pay my bill in person, or via bpay. But this transaction was debit.

I have a receipt stating it was successful, I also know the funds are available.. but recieving the letter last night stating I've been charged a small fee was quite a shock.


If my bill is still overdue I'm happy to repay but I cant find anywhere that states my account is anything more than $0.00.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 32392 Views

Thanks Dgroomy!


Can I ask if you did anything differently when making this payment? Did you attempt to make this payment through your AGL My Account at any stage?

Kind regards,



1 Reply 32368 Views

Now you say that, I actually did Jayden.


I recieved a text message stating that my bill was due.. I usually wait untill I recieve the hard copy in the mail but was ontop of my bills so followed the link and paid via AGL My Account.


I suppose I'm just unsure whether to pay my bill again, or wait until my online account refreshes so I know I haven't doubled paid.. if that makes sense?




AGL Moderator
0 Replies 32363 Views

Hi Dale,


This makes more sense!


When you logged into My Account to pay your bill, did you have sufficient funds in your account at this time? If not, this would explain why you've received this letter.





1 Reply 30649 Views

Hi I'm Denise and am sorry I have missed your calls but have been in hospital from a stroke caused by stress and would love to work out a payment plan to get my bill down .I have recieved a letter saying my power will be turned off but I cant afford that to happen so please arrange for me to make payments as I have been into my account via electronic banking .I am on a pension and when I first moved in here it took you a couple of months to send my account out and I've been doing catch up ever since .I know it will take me a while to pay off but its not like Im not going to pay it off ,its just being on the pension and not getting the account for a couple of months has really put me behind .Please make arrangements that I will be making fotnightly payments by electronic banking in the amount of $50-$100 depending on my circumstances .Your assistance would be greatly appreciated,in also following up why I never recieved the forms to fill out forhardship assistance from you when I last contacted you guys.I would appreciate these forms to be forwarded out to me so I can get ahead with this matter .Thank you 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 30648 Views

Hi Denise,


I'm sorry to hear that you've find yourself in such a difficult position.


We're more than happy to help you manage your account through this difficult time, but we're unable to do this through the AGL Community I'm sorry to say. You'll be best served reaching out to our Customer Service team here.


Kind regards,



0 Replies 27657 Views

I just moved to this unit